Study rooms in the faculties

Filosofická fakulta
Studovna katedry historie

Místnost: CS 109, CS 110, CS 111, CS 113
tel.: (+420) 475 283 378

Studovna a knihovna katedry politologie a filozofie

Místnost: v přízemních prostorách vily hned u silnice
tel.: (+420) 475 283 176
Email: studovna.ksv(@)

Knihovna a multimediální studovna - Katedra germanistiky

Místnost: č. 618 (nová budova)
Správce: Květoslova Vlachová
tel.: (+420) 475 283 280
Email: kvetoslava.vlachova(@)

Fakulta umění a designu
Ateliér Design keramiky v Dubí

Místnost: Tovární 50, Dubí u Teplic
Kontaktní osoba: Marie Litterová, vedoucí: Doc. Ak. Soch. Pavel Jarkovský
tel.: (+420) 417 571 858
Email: atelier.dubi(@)

Fakulta sociálně ekonomická
Fakultní studovna

Místnost: č. 223
Správce: Mgr. Miroslava Vágnerová
tel.: (+420) 475 284 717
Email: Miroslava.Vagnerova(@)

Fakulta životního prostředí
Pracoviště v Mostě

Místnost: č. 916, 9. patro
Správce: Věra Rapšová
tel.: (+420) 476 137 448
Email: vera.repsova(@)

Pedagogická fakulta
Studovna katedry bohemistiky

Místnost: CN 443, 4. patro, nová budova
Správce: PhDr. Zdeněk Valenta Ph.D.
tel.: (+420) 475 283 346
Email: Zdenek.Valenta(@)

Studovna katedry matematiky a ICT

Místnost: č. HO-413
Správce: Mgr. Lukáš Círus
tel.: (+420) 475 282 291
Email: lukas.cirus(@)

Studovna katedry výtvarné kultury

Místnost: č. 520
Správce: Mgr. Miloš Makovský
tel.: (+420) 732 136 687 nebo 475 283 851
Email: Milos.Makovsky(@)

Přírodovědecká fakulta
Studovna katedry matematiky

Místnost: KL 207
Správce: Mgr. Jiří Přibyl
tel.: (+420) 475 285 710
Email: Jiri.Pribyl(@)

Information resources

Information resources

Catalogue of the library collection: 

"Metasearch" EBSCO Discovery Service - search in all avialable infomation resources for UJEP

Journals Locator AtoZ 


Electronic information resources

Art Source 
ASPI - legal system
BioOne FullText 
Cambridge Journals Online - full-text journals
Central & Eastern European Academic Source
České elektronické knihy,
Česko-saská vysokoškolská knihovna (collection of e-books)
EBSCO - access to the full texts of more than 3,000 international journals
EBSCO Discovery Service - metasearch in the electronic and printed resources
EBSCO eBook Collection - [ manual ENG ; Support center ; 
list of available titles ; list of supported supported devices]
EconLit economic database with full texts economic database with full text
Elsevier Science Direct - access to electronic versions of journals published by Elsevier instruction ]
Encyclopædia Britannica - Academic Edition
EnviroNetBase - Natura: electronic information resources about natural sciences
Environment Complete (access via EBSCO) - Environment
Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (ESPM) - database for the environment 
ERIC - bibliographic database in the field of education 
Google Books - searching books scanned by Google
Google Scholar- searching searching scientific texts
IOPscience- full texts of scientific journals IoP Publishing
JIB- uniform information gateway
Journal Citation Reports- information about citations and impact factor of scientific journals 
JSTORArts & Sciences Collection I-IV - full-text database for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Kluwer Online - access to electronic versions of journals published by Kluwerk 
Knovel Library Premium - 550 factographic and reference manuals for Science and Technology
LibraryPressDisplay- is an casino online newspaper kiosk with over 1,900 pblications from 92 countries in 43 languages
Literature Online - 320 000 works of English and American poetry, drama and prose
Literature resource center - bibliographic and full-text databases
Manuscriptorium - historical book collections
Nursing @ Ovid - Information sources for medicine and related fields
OECD eLibrary- socio-economic data
Oxford Journals Online - full text of journals
Periodicals Archive Online- full text journals from the humanities. and social sciences
Periodicals Index Online - bibliographic records of of humanity. and social sciences
ProQuest Central- multidisciplinary full text database 
SAGE journals - full text journals from the humanities and social sciences [list of available titles] [manual] [list od available titles] [ manual ]
Scopus - bibliographic and citation database [manual]
Springer LINK - access to full-text electronic versions of journals published by Springer
TOXLINE- bibliographic database for toxicology
Web of Science- bibliographic and citation database 
Wiley Interscience - access to full-text electronic versions of journals published by Wiley 

These bibliographic, factual and full-text databases are freely available for academic staff and students of the University J. E. Purkyně from computer network UJEP (including dormitory).  f

This is a link to a signpost infozdroje managed by the AIP which diplays the resources accessible from all part of the institution  UJEP (according to IP address)

The periodical issue in open stacks VK

list of journals

Overview of acquisitions

New additions

Summaries of diploma and bachelor theses with full-text in network UJEP

Overview of defended master's and bachelor's theses 2013
Overview of defended master's and bachelor's theses 2012

Overview of defended master's and bachelor's theses 2011
Overview of defended master's and bachelor's theses 2010
Overview of defended master's and bachelor's theses 2009
Overview of defended master's and bachelor's theses 2008

On-Line journals - selection by field

Electronic resources

Electronic resources



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